A True Patriot 435 months ago
Peter argues with Quagmire that Alexander Hamilton had the best vision for America. Quagmire disagrees and says Thomas Jefferson was right. Joe believes John Adams was right. Carter is just racist

Peter: Hey Quagmire, you know who had the best vision for America? Alexander Hamilton! That guy was a genius. Quagmire: Come on, Peter. Hamilton was a centralist, just like you! Thomas Jefferson had a better vision. He believed in limited government and individual liberty. Peter: Fuck you, Quagmire! Hamilton knew what America needed. He advocated for a strong federal government and economic development. Joe: You guys are both wrong. John Adams was the true visionary. He understood the importance of a strong military and a balanced government. Carter: You know what? Fuck all of you! Who cares about vision for America? I'm just racist and proud of it!