couriersixx845 months ago
(court) Chris is tired of people calling him Shris so he changes his name to Kris Grissle. Chris says "My name is Kris Grissle" every 3rd sentence

Blackman: All rise! The court is now in session. Blackman: Case number 12345, the State of Rhode Island versus Chris Griffin. Blackman: Is the prosecution ready? Meg: We're ready, Your Honor. Blackman: And is the defense ready? Chris: My name is Kris Grissle! And yes, Your Honor, we're ready. Blackman: Very well. Let's proceed with the trial. Seamus: Your Honor, the prosecution alleges that the defendant, formerly known as Chris Griffin, has committed acts of public disturbance, disorderly conduct, and excessive farting in public places. Blackman: How do you plead, Mr. Grissle? Chris: My name is Kris Grissle, and I plead not guilty, Your Honor. Seamus: Your Honor, we have several witnesses who can testify to Mr. Grissle's unruly behavior. Quagmire: Yeah, I've seen it firsthand. That guy can fart louder than a jet engine! Stewie: Indeed! It's quite impressive, really. But also quite disruptive. Joe: I can confirm that Mr. Grissle has caused a lot of disturbance in our neighborhood. It's time he faces the consequences. Blackman: The prosecution may present its evidence. Meg: Thank you, Your Honor. We have here a collection of videos showing Mr. Grissle in action. Chris: My name is Kris Grissle! Blackman: Mr. Grissle, please refrain from interrupting. Chris: Apologies, Your Honor. Go on, Meg. Meg: As you can see in the videos, Mr. Grissle is intentionally farting in crowded locations, causing distress to the public. Peter: Ha! That's my boy! Farting for freedom!