gabzter161 month ago
Heaven: (GOD AND JOE ONLY) Joe is banned from heaven because you gotta be "this tall" to enter, and because Joe is in a wheelchair he can't reach up. God sends him to hell instead because funny.

God: Joe, I'm sorry, but you can't enter heaven. You gotta be 'this tall' to get in. Joe: But God, I can't help it, I'm in a wheelchair. It's not fair! God: Well, Joe, I guess we'll have to find another place for you. How about hell? Joe: Hell? Are you serious? God: Yep, it's gonna be hilarious! Off you go! Joe: Wait, can't you make an exception? I've been a good person! God: Nah, rules are rules. Plus, I can't miss the chance for a good laugh! Joe: This is so unfair! God: Life's unfair, Joe. Have fun in hell! Joe: Fuck you, God!