ploopyploopypants184 months ago
Chris is a discord mod and demands that no one post the Bowser fart gif in general. Quagmire posts it anyways, leading to Chris breaking into his house and beating the shit out of him

Chris: All right, listen up, you guys. As a Discord mod, I demand that no one posts the Bowser fart gif in the general chat. Got it? It's off-limits. Quagmire: Heh heh, got it. No problem, Chris. Peter: Yeah, no farting Bowsers. I'm cool with that. Joe: Agreed. Let's keep it clean, guys. Cleveland: Absolutely, I'm on board with that rule. Quagmire: Oh, come on, you guys. It's too funny not to share. Here goes! Chris: Damn it, Quagmire! That's it. I'm coming over to your house right now. Quagmire: Heh heh, you can try, Chris. Bring it on. Chris: I warned you. You asked for it, Quagmire. I'm here to beat the shit out of you. Quagmire: Oh, shit... You serious, Chris? You wanna do this? Chris: Hell yeah, I'm serious! You're done, Quagmire. Let's settle this once and for all. Quagmire: Come at me, bro. I ain't afraid of you. Chris: Take this, you son of a bitch! Quagmire: Ouch! Okay, okay, I give up! Stop! I give up! Chris: Not so tough now, are you? That's what you get for defying my mod powers, Quagmire. Quagmire: Yeah, yeah, I get it. My bad, Chris. Won't happen again. Chris: Damn right, it won't. You better remember this beating when you're about to post that damn Bowser gif again. Quagmire: Got it, Chris. Loud and clear. Peter: Wow, that was intense. Should we help Quagmire? Joe: Nah, he had it coming. Let's just stay out of it. Cleveland: Yeah, I don't wanna mess with Chris when he's on a rampage. Chris: That's right, bitches. Don't mess with me, or you'll get the same treatment as Quagmire.